Friday, August 10, 2018

My First Quarter in ICT

     First quarter is the most exciting quarter of all because you will learn something new and you will feel so excited for it. Learning something is so amazing because you will know what is the history of something you think you know in your life like in ICT. I'm going to share what I have learned in the first quarter in my ICT subject.

     I learned so many things like the history of internet, you know I've been using the internet for so many years now but I didn't know the history of it. When I learned about it, the internet was present in the early 70's. There are so many individuals that work in creating the internet and it was so amazing. I learned about blogs and search engines too. In knowing all these I have faced some challenges like ImI not good at making essays, we have to do it in blogging. But later I got a hang on making an essay. These challenge is so hard but my friends help me in my problems.

     This quarter I have learned many things and now it's the end of this quarter. So that I'm getting curious in my next quarter in ICT maybe I will be amazed and excited in my next be lesson in the second quarter.

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