Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Month of July

     July is the month called Nutrition Month. So many school have a celebration about nutrition. Like in ISNHS, we always celebrate it every year. We do so many activities. The theme in this year is Ugaliing Magtanim Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin. 

     Theme is about planting vegetables and fruits too. Many farmers are working and suffering just to plant and what are we doing were just refusing to eat those vegetables. If we plant some of them so that we will harvest it when they are ripe then eat them so that it will give us a lot of nutritious components to make us healthy and strong children. Eat some veggies and fruits because it is important and think the sacrifices that had been done just to harvest that vegetables and fruits.

     You must eat some veggies to become a healthy person. Do that for the sake of others and you for lifestyle and for our sake as well.

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