Friday, October 19, 2018

United Nations

     United Nations is an organization of countries who wishes to be in peace,"Coming Together with those furthest behind, build an inclusive world of universal rights and dignity this the theme of this year's UN.

     Countries who have been left behind and build a nation to restore a proper state and being worthy in this organization a world full of that. Countries will work together to do that and be a great organization, in doing they help those in need and seek peace. They will restore everything in proper and have the worthy to be a part of UN.

     It's like helping each other up is the purpose and be a nation with rights and dignity. That is the theme" Coming Together with those furthest behind, build an inclusive world of universal rights and dignity".

The Theme of Science Month

     The theme of the science month this year is "accentuating potentials activating technological Advancements". This theme has a meaning about kids with talent.

      It's like showing off the children with a potential in creating a high tech inventions or show off the ability of a person in activating a new and advance technology. In doing this we can build a better nation using this kind of technologies. In building a good future  for those children who will live in the near future.

      We can use this strategy in making our country have a great progress. We must be thankful to those individuals so accentuating potentials activating technological Advancements.